
Ambulance Service in Darbhanga

Ambulance Service in Darbhanga

Jansewa Panchmukhi Ambulance in Darbhanga; a Photon in Dismay for the Patients


The Ambulance Service from Darbhanga is a vital aid in times of crisis. Jansewa Panchmukhi Ambulance consists of a fleet of ambulances with all the essential amenities, like monitors, defibrillators, ventilators, and continuous oxygen supply in case of any emergency. The team is supported by curative staff accomplished in carrying out critically ill cases. They are well-trained in handling sophisticated Trauma Life Support cases and equipment. The Cost of Ambulance in Darbhanga is minimal with ICU bed-to-bed service.


Medical Assistance Provided by Jansewa Panchmukhi Ambulance in Darbhanga

  • Fully air-conditioned vehicles
  • Oxygen, Ventilator, Cardiac Monitor, and other life-saving support
  • G. Defibrillator, Suction Machine
  • Nebulizer and Glucometer
  • All crisis drugs & disposables
  • ICU containers with trained doctors and personnel nurses.

Our company Jansewa Panchmukhi Ambulance in Darbhanga provides a vital remedial response to the patients who are not in the position to get shifted via normal commercial vehicles. In short, the ambulance service in Darbhanga works 24/7 as a life liberator during an emergency situation.


The Vision & objectives of Jansewa Panchmukhi Ambulance in Darbhanga

  • Saving life in abundance
  • Working for better care of the patients
  • Creating Successful Collaborations
  • Delivering improvised succors
  • Immediately Responding to Patients’ requirements
  • modifying our coteries for the future
  • improved access to healthcare facilities
  • Provides healthcare supplements for all the necessary diseases like cardiac strokes, trauma, mental health aids, respiratory frailties, and falls.
  • Enhanced clinical skills for integral functioning with primary and secondary care
  • Collaborate with the voluntary sector and the other emergency services as a part of a contribution to public service reform
  • Strengthen community resilience
  • Expanding the diagnostic capability and use of technology to improve patient care & supervision
  • Developed a flexible, responsive, and integrated patient transport service.

 Shift your patient in cardiac/Ventilator/ICU ambulance from Darbhanga to Patna,Delhi, Kolkata with Medical Team

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